About This Game Space Station Alpha is a game where you build and manage a space station in the outer reaches of the Milky Way. You have been given a small bit of space of your own, a handful of credits and a beat up old WorkerBot(tm). Your task is to take this undeveloped piece of vacuum and turn it into a tourist center/economic hub/mega-prison/diplomatic epicenter or any combination you can manage. The challenges will be many, oxygen will escape through every tiny hole in the hull, you'll contend with asteroid showers and nebulous alien blobs. In the end though the hardest hing will be managing the various needs and wants of your various squishy alien customers. 1075eedd30 Title: Space Station AlphaGenre: Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:NuclearFirecrackerPublisher:NuclearFirecrackerRelease Date: 27 Feb, 2015 Space Station Alpha Download] [PC] international space station alpha magnetic spectrometer. environmental space station alpha. alpha flight space station. space station alpha game. space station alpha. space station alpha tv-series. alpha intergalactic space station. space station alpha video game. space station alpha download. space station alpha nasa. international space station alpha. space station alpha lego. alpha space station valerian. alpha flight space station marvel. memory alpha space station. space station alpha steam. the international space station is named alpha. escape from space station alpha You know how you buy a game think its gonna be great fun and it is until you find all the bugs that make the game totally unplayable and the devs have stopped working on it? Well that would be this game.. The game is partially playable but over a year and a half and the developers have stopped doing anything with this game including updating the community on fixing of the bugs. This is a fun game and has tons of potential but AS IS, i cannot recommend UNLESS its onsale for 50 Cents. Which it was. That alone should have told me something.. A few pathing issues, graphics not the best etc as said in the last review. but it does say that it will be updated.As long as the devs dont do what i read happened on Space Base DF-9 then its going to improve.This cost \u00a34 and my house mate has had more than 4 hours playing it so money well spent. really looking forward to what this can become and finding out what the "mysterious z plane" will be when the stairs are used. =Dkeep up the good work.. Not finished, Full of bugs, lacks content.. Heres the deal I rarley wright revews so Its important if i wright one its a great game really, it just need some attention for example i love it but it crashs and there are to many bugs along with the fact content is a bit acking but if there actuly going to wrok on this game i sugest the take out the bugs first this game has major potental. It just isnt geting the help it needs.. This game really upsets me. I really like games like this one and Prison Architect but neither are finished games I can just play. Prison Architect (a really great game by the way you should buy it now or when released) crashes and Space Station Alpha is nearly unplayable due to workers getting perpetually stuck unloading.What happens is sometimes when a shuttle lands it will not be unloadable. Up to 4 of your workers will try to unload it, some freezing right where they are instead of going to the shuttle. At this point the launch pad cannot be deleted and 4 of your workers for the rest of the game must be stuck unloading" nothing. Deleted workers causes new workers to "unloading" the unloadable shuttle. You can try various things like not accepting deliveries, closing your station, waiting a really long time, turning off your launch pad, etc. but none of those will fix your issue.The only way to get past this is save the game, close game, and load your saved game. You will have to do this often. I usually use this trick to remove things i mark for destruction but never actually seem to get destroyed. I simultaneously enjoy and hate this game. I keep comming back to some of the same issues.2015-06-05bugs not fixed. super annoying to have workers just stand in one spot for enternity while your shuttle on the launch pad waits for said worker for eternity.2015-03-20After 69.0 hours I am happy to say everything seems to work as it should ingame. It is always a good feeling seeing certain bugs being juicily squished by a devoted creator.2015-03-12After 52.3 hours these are the nasty: Saved game bug makes saves somewhat worthles. Shuttle stuck on launch deck and is no longer destroyable bug. workerbot stuck in invisible and remote area of the map-but-is-thankfully-destroyable bug. The somewhat difficult process of placing floor to align the way I want too not-actually-a-bug-I-have-OCD-sorry bug.My take is this game is fun (if you like these type of games) but still needs polish. As evidenced in the comment below, the developer is accepting feedback to make the game better. This game is his beloved creation. If you help him test it, he will fix it. Even after just a few days, many things have been patched. My outlook for this game is rosey, I just hope it can get some attention and more positive reviews as time goes by.2015-03-05After a mere few minutes playing I only encounterd one bug so far and it occurs when you try to load a saved game. I am thumbing this game up with the expectation this will be fixed.. This is a very interesting game and I would love for them to expand on this! Add more races and allow more stuff such as trading I hope they will expand because this could go places if worked on with a clear goal!. First Play & Impressions Video Link:https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=LSGm0IvJwvcStarted Over and Played A Second Game Video: (Better video)https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=TTrkOWl5czUIf you are going to watch one of the two videos above, watch the 2nd video, as I believe it will give you a much better idea of how the game works and what you're buying.This is a pretty darn fun little game. Kinda reminds me a little of a sim city game, but in space with the threats of asteroids smashing into your spaceship (space cty) as you have rooms for science, guest services for alien visitors who pay you for such services, and more. Like Sim City, it's an itricate balance of keeping your space visitors happy, yet safe while on board all the while trying to turn a profit and not collapse from a number of disasters that can happen.While i have yet to play it enough to give it the time it deserves and that I want to give it, my 9 year old son loves it already. He has over 3 hours into it at the time I write this review and has a space station that would make our home town in the real world look small. The fact that this game looks and plays this good in its early state shows me a lot of promise for it's future.I will update this game and score when I've had more time in the game.. but it looks like its an easy 8\/10 and considering it's value for your dollar, it might deserve a little more credit.It does take a little patience and there's a little to learn, but it looks like no two games will ever be the same game twice, and for the creative and strategy, as well as science fiction fans out there, I'd certainly give this game my two thumbs up. If however, you are looking for Diablo, minecraft, or Call of Duty here, you might look elsewhere, lol.- Zaxx. I actually tried to break the game; multiple crossing halls, singular pathways for multiple activities, equipment build in the path of critical systems, etc. Nope, worst I got was someone moved their bed into a common room next to the vending machine. Fun little game, lots of room to grow and become amazing but well worth the current $5 price tag especially since basic inspection of the options and controls lets you customize and ease movement speeds and camera angles to fit your computer's abilities or personal gaming style.Are there some improvements needed imho, of course, its early access. Doors have to be left open to move air between rooms instead of a vent system, no que system for construction (it is done as you add it to the "blue print\/design" so lay it out in the order you want it built) and single plane of construction rather than multi-level (personal preference but easier to view and control as is).Basic first impression review.https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=heP40_lXKB4&list=UUg6fyxrbkNbAkxoNEoZGsqw
Space Station Alpha Download] [PC]
Updated: Mar 11, 2020